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A ChatGPT Generated Token Has Reached A Market Cap Of $3.5 Million

A ChatGPT Generated Token Has Reached A Market Cap Of $3.5 Million


A crypto-enthusiast and developer got ChatGPT to create and market its own ERC-20 token.

CroissantETH shared on X how he got ChatGPT to roll out smart contracts on the Ethereum network by providing it with data on the 10,000 most traded tokens on Uniswap. The chatbot also offered the developer its token name options. According to the developer, AstroPepeX was completely generated by the AI. 

After that, 65,000,000,000,000 APX tokens and 2 ETH were sent to Uniswap. The token is also traded on Poloniex, Bitget, MEXC and LBank. By this time, the market cap of the token has reached $3.5 million. And Etherscan data shows over 2,300 APX holders and 17,700 transactions.

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