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Binance significant trading volume decline: insights


A recent CoinGlass study highlights a significant reduction in Binance's trading volumes, primarily attributed to the utilization of trading bots aimed at market stabilization and enhancing liquidity. Presently, key assets are witnessing volume decreases ranging from 70% to 95%, though the specific causes for this downturn remain unidentified.

The analysis further elaborates that Binance is encountering marked drops in trading volumes due to the employment of inter-trading bots, pivotal for market equilibrium and liquidity provision. Currently, major assets see their volumes diminishing by 70% to 95%, with the factors leading to this decline still being ambiguous.

This decline in volume is substantial. For some assets, it's drastic. Notably, Pepe's value diminished by over 97.5%, Bitcoin saw a decline of 62%, and Solana's value plummeted by 88.9%. Such significant downturns could potentially lead to liquidity concerns, assuming the accuracy of CoinGlass's findings.

A possible explanation for this sudden downturn could be a malfunction in the trading bots responsible for maintaining market liquidity. These bots serve various roles, including arbitrage, market-making, and liquidity provision, making them critical for balanced trading activities.

When a crucial trading bot becomes non-operational, it instantly withdraws a significant portion of trading activity, leading to an immediate drop in transaction volume. These bots are a staple across nearly all centralized exchanges and play a vital role in ensuring a seamless trading experience for users.

There are numerous causes for bots becoming non-operational, ranging from technical issues, updates, or maintenance activities on the platform; to modifications in Binance's policy or restrictions on APIs could also be a contributing factor. As a result, bot activity may occasionally halt due to policy changes or new restrictions imposed by Binance on APIs.

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