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Nansen Reported A Data Breach

Nansen Reported A Data Breach


Crypto analytics company Nansen reported a security breach at third-party providers. User password hashes were stolen.

On its X, the company said the hacker gained access to the account administrator rights of a third-party service provider. Nansen users' passwords have been stolen. The analytics company is asking users to change their passwords.

Nansen did not name the service provider, but it is known to be trusted by influential Fortune 500 companies. Nansen urged it to disclose its name. Although Nansen eliminated the problem, she revealed that about 6.8% of her platform's users were affected. Their email addresses, password hashes and blockchain addresses were exposed. Nansen contacted those affected and recommended taking action. The company also reassured users by stating that their funds are safe. 

Nansen and the compromised service provider are now working with lawyers to investigate.

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