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TON Foundation to Airdrop $600,000 to Traders and NFT Holders

TON Foundation to Airdrop $600,000 to Traders and NFT Holders


TON Foundation announced a $600,000 airdrop for traders and NFT holders.

TON Foundation has decided to reward active participants in the ecosystem by airdropping $600,000, as the team announced on its social media accounts. The team will airdrop 105,600 TON to traders on the NFT markets Getgems, xRare and TonDiamondsNFT.

In the announcement, the TON Foundation also indicated that it has already taken a snapshot of the addresses that are eligible for airdrop. Criteria for token allocation will be based on points earned for activity, including the number of NFT collections sold, total NFT trading volume and the number of NFT trades conducted.

Users with 2 to 5 points will be offered a reward of 40 TON. The more points a user has, the more rewards they receive. This point system was implemented in an attempt to boost the field of NFT.  

This move by the TON team follows The Open League rewards campaign, which aimed to increase activity in the blockchain ecosystem. The team's recent initiatives include giving away $120,000 worth of TON to the best token holders and traders at The Open League hackathon, as well as reducing the commission by 2.5 times. 

Over the last week, the TON network token has fallen by 25%. 

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