The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is $5.0 today with a 24-hour trading volume of 630,530,931.
With a circulating supply of 1,217,906,155 NEAR, NEAR Protocol is valued at a market cap of $ 8,433,353,650.
The price of NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is $5.0 today with a 24-hour trading volume of 630,530,931.
With a circulating supply of 1,217,906,155 NEAR, NEAR Protocol is valued at a market cap of $ 8,433,353,650.
Twitter: nearprotocol
Telegram: cryptonear
A new star has appeared on the horizon of Web-3 gaming — HOT from the Near Wallet. What is it: another "tap-tap-game" created on the hype of mining applications in Telegram, a scam, a promising project? We decided to figure out the next trending project in the crypto world.