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Google's Updated Policy Allows NFT Games Ads

Google's Updated Policy Allows NFT Games Ads


Google has made new changes to its cryptocurrency advertising rules that will allow NFT games to be advertised, as long as they are not gambling.

The company blog post highlights that the changes will come into effect on 15 September. The NFT games that allow players to purchase in-game items to improve the user experience are allowed to be advertised.

Which games are excluded? 

  • Games that allow betting and NFT staking for the purpose of rewards;
  • Social casino games with NFT rewards;
  • Gambling.

A user's account is immediately blocked for violations. But to promote these types of games, publishers must “comply with the Gambling and games policy and receive the proper Google Ads certification.”

These changes come as part of a plan to update Google's policy on cryptocurrencies and related products. Earlier in 2018, the company completely banned cryptocurrency adverts on its platforms due to the harm they can cause to consumers. Google still hasn't changed its attitude, but has softened its approach and will continue to treat such changes with extreme caution.

With its latest changes, the company claims to understand the difference between games where NFTs are in-game items that enhance gameplay and NFTs that facilitate gambling mechanics for players.

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