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Stablecoin adoption on Polygon surges with Tether in forefront


Polygon has experienced an astounding increase in its stablecoin market value this quarter.

A recent analysis by Messari reveals that the market cap for stablecoins on the Ethereum Layer 2 protocol surged to an impressive $1.5 billion, marking a noteworthy 19% rise compared to the previous quarter.

Significant Growth in Stablecoin Utilization on Polygon

Tether has strengthened its lead as the predominant stablecoin within the Polygon network, with its market valuation expanding by an astonishing 29% quarter-on-quarter to reach $792 million, according to insights from Messari. This represents a substantial 53% of the total stablecoin market valuation on the platform.

The acceleration in stablecoin uptake on Polygon has been catalyzed by several key developments during this timeframe.

Notably, in April, Sony Bank ventured into trials to assess the feasibility of stablecoins on the Polygon blockchain as a method of payment for digital transactions within the Sony Group, including for video gaming purposes.

In addition, the Belgian technology firm Settlemint disclosed its intention to create a stablecoin utilizing Polygon, highlighting the Layer 2 network’s escalating significance in the stablecoin niche.

Advancements in Gaming, DeFi, and NFTs on Polygon

During the initial quarter of 2024, the gaming industry on Polygon saw exponential growth. Messari’s findings indicated a staggering 1,615% increase quarter-over-quarter in daily active gaming participants, totaling 207,000 users.

Furthermore, daily gaming interactions on the network soared by 469% quarter-on-quarter, reaching 734,000 transactions. This boost in gaming engagements predominantly stemmed from the overwhelming success of the MATR1X FIRE game by MATR1X.

In addition to gaming, the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape on Polygon witnessed significant expansion, with daily active DeFi participants rising by 67% quarter-on-quarter, amounting to 50,000 users.

While activities in the non-fungible token (NFT) and social segments similarly experienced growth, their impact was comparatively modest against the backdrop of gaming and DeFi developments within the Polygon ecosystem over the same period.

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Dai (DAI)
Ethereum (ETH)
Polygon (MATIC)
Tether (USDT)


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