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Telegram Game Hamster Kombat Gained 1M users in Two Weeks

Telegram Game Hamster Kombat Gained 1M users in Two Weeks


Hamster Kombat, a new and fast-growing Telegram game, gained 1 million users in just two weeks. The developers promised to distribute tokens to players.

The phenomenon of Notcoin, a popular Telegram game, is gaining momentum as new figures are appearing in the arena of tap-to-earn games. Hamster Kombat was launched 11 days ago and has attracted 1 million users in such a short time.

Hamster Kombat allows users to tap and collect coins through the Telegram mobile app, reminiscent of the popular Notcoin game. Users can also get extra coins for other activities, such as inviting friends or completing various tasks to level up. 

The Hamster Kombat team announced that it will launch a token by the end of the season that active users of the game will receive. The date of the airdrop remains unknown for now. 

Interestingly, the emergence of more and more tap-to-earn games has contributed to the tangible growth of the TON network. Recently, the TON coin has been showing bullish signals and continues to grow. The Toncoin ecosystem has 631 dApps with a TVL of about $123 million. 

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