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Sam Altman Returns to OpenAI Board. WLD Reacts With Growth

Sam Altman Returns to OpenAI Board. WLD Reacts With Growth


Worldcoin surged 46% amid news of Sam Altman's return to OpenAI's board.

Months after Sam Altman's surprise firing from OpenAI, as well as his high-profile return and board reorganization, Altman is finally on the new board of directors. Altman's firing as CEO in 2023 caused not only a public outcry, but also a massive employee revolt and Microsoft's intervention.

Just days later, Altman returned to OpenAI and significantly revamped the board of directors. The new hires of Sue Desmond-Hellmann and Fidji Simo reflected the company's changing priorities. However, OpenAI's continued success was overshadowed by legal battles with billionaire Elon Musk, who accused management of betraying its original values in the form of a commitment to nonprofit status. Musk was concerned about Microsoft's growing influence and its stake in OpenAI's technology.

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All of this has greatly influenced the current price performance of Worldcoin, another Sam Altman project. Immediately following the news of Altman joining the OpenAI board of directors, the WLD token reacted by rising 46% to $10.57 before beginning a correction. At the time of writing, the asset was trading as high as $9.77. The weekly growth of the coin was 22%, while the monthly growth was 283%, which only confirms the increased popularity of tokens in the artificial intelligence sector.

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