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TON/USDT Pool from TON Foundation Appeared on DeDust.io

TON/USDT Pool from TON Foundation Appeared on DeDust.io


TON Foundation launched a TON/USDT liquidity pool on the decentralized exchange DeDust.io. Let's look into the details.

Recently, the TON Foundation launched the TON/USDT pool on DeDust.io. It can be found in the list of pools on the decentralized exchange website.

The terms of participation indicate that the annual percentage rate (APR) within the crypto market, that is, the reward that you will earn for the selected period in cryptocurrency, will be approximately 152.17%, which is very good, according to market participants.

Source and Copyright © DeDust.io

A liquidity pool is a crowdsourced pool of cryptocurrencies or tokens locked in a smart contract. Key points regarding liquidity pools:

  • They provide the liquidity needed to facilitate trading between different crypto assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
  • Instead of traditional orders based on current market supply and demand, DEX buyers and sellers use automated market makers (AMMs) that allow trading directly from these liquidity pools in an automated and permissionless manner.
  • Users contribute their crypto assets to a liquidity pool. In return, they receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens representing their pool share.
  • When traders exchange tokens on a DEX, they are trading against the pooled liquidity. Liquidity providers receive trading commissions from these swaps proportional to their pool share.
  • Liquidity pools use algorithms such as the constant product formula to maintain relative prices between pooled assets as liquidity changes.

Simply put, liquidity pools are crowdsourced pools of tokens that allow DEXs to have sufficient liquidity to trade without relying on traditional supply and demand-based ordering markets. Users provide this liquidity and receive fees in return, while algorithms maintain appropriate prices between assets in the pool.

About a month ago, DeDust.io was in the spotlight with its announcement of the launch of staking its native $SCALE token, which has already generated over $288,000 in $SCALE for users.

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