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Trezor unveils its new hardware Bitcoin wallet


The digital asset custody firm Trezor has introduced an array of innovative solutions designed to encourage the securing of cryptocurrencies by their owners themselves. Making its debut at the BTC Prague 2024 event, the offering features the cutting-edge Trezor Safe 5 hardware wallet along with the specialized "Trezor Expert" setup assistance service.

The Trezor Safe 5 allows holders to safely keep, handle, delegate, and transact with a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies via the Trezor Suite, accessible on both desktop and mobile interfaces. The gadget is equipped with an enlarged color touchscreen that provides tactile feedback, an advanced secure compute module for safeguarding essential data as well as executing cryptographic tasks, and a sophisticated 20-word restoration method.

A variant of the Trezor Safe 5, dedicated exclusively to Bitcoin transactions, will also be made available, though not immediately for direct purchase. Prospective buyers are invited to pre-order this variant from Trezor, with the shipping expected to commence in July. The Trezor Safe 5 retails for $169.

Trezor positions its products above its competitors by utilizing open-source coding, thus facilitating assessments by the community or individuals. This open-source approach ensures swift deployment and widespread dissemination of solutions to address any found security weaknesses. The security module of Trezor Safe 5 is honored with an EAL 6+ certification, denoting the utmost confidence level within the Common Criteria scheme for security measures on the device.

Such a certification is typically designated for systems of national defense, but likewise serves as a benchmark for securing devices of high-importance like hardware cryptocurrency wallets.

The revamped backup feature of the Trezor Safe 5 introduces the option to shift from a conventional singular-share backup to a nuanced multi-share backup leveraging Shamir's Secret Sharing. This approach divides the primary security key into several distinct shares, enhancing safeguarding capabilities by eliminating singular points of vulnerability. Starting July, Trezor will enhance its Trezor Keep Metal solution to a 20-word format to better shield wallet backup phrases from physical harm.

In concert with the hardware innovation, Trezor has unveiled Trezor Expert—an individualized, direct assistance service promising expert guidance and support for clients eager for help in configuring their crypto cold-storage solutions. Offered at $99, this service is accessible globally, ensuring the confidentiality of the customer's wallet backup and other critical data.

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